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Reading at Hogwarts the Goblet of Fire Fictionhunt

Reading Guide Questions Print Excerpt

Please be aware that this discussion guide volition contain spoilers!

The VolumeWizards and Hogwarts! Muggles and mudbloods! Quidditch and broomsticks! None of those things mean anything to Harry Potter, a small, skinny, bespectacled boy with an unusual lightning-commodities shaped scar on his forehead—until his eleventh birthday. That's when he starts receiving letters inviting him to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learns that his parents did not die in a machine crash but were killed by Voldemort, the Lord of Darkness, and that he'south famous in the globe of wizardry. Then Harry leaves the home of his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and their hateful son Dudley, who are mere muggles (humans without one drop of magic in them), and embarks on a new life. And the changes continue as Harry spends twelvemonth afterwards year at Hogwarts, a place where he not only learns near being a magician, but also almost friendship and loyalty and fear and courage, and about his own by and future, his family, and his destiny.

Harry's first iv years at Hogwarts are chronicled in the starting time iv Harry Potter books. In each of those stories, amidst fun and laughter, pranks and pitfalls, mystery and suspense, Harry continues his boxing confronting the evil Lord Voldemort. The books have get enormously popular for their captivating mixture of magical pranks and misadventures, eccentric characters (such as Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' bath, and Nearly Headless Nick who was not quite completely beheaded, and the Veela who bewitch those around them), courageous heroes and sneering, scheming villains, brilliantly original ideas, and breathtaking excitement — rollicking good reads that appeal to readers of all ages.

ThemesWhile the fun of fantasy might be its otherworldliness, its power lies is the truths it reveals about the existent world. So the magical world of Harry Potter, a world of flight cars and dragons, unicorns and magic potions, invisibility cloaks and evil powers, becomes real as readers discover truths about bravery, loyalty, option, and the power of love. Read the following quotations from the Harry Potter books and hash out the truth that each reveals.

"The truth. It is a cute and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great circumspection." (The Sorcerer'southward Stone, page 298)

" have been loved so deeply, fifty-fifty though the person who loved us is gone, volition give the states some protection forever." (The Sorcerer's Rock, folio 299)

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand to our enemies, simply just as much to stand up to our friends." (The Sorcerer's Stone, folio 306)

"Information technology is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more our abilities." (The Bedchamber of Secrets, page 333)

"You lot can be without your soul, you know, every bit long as your brain and middle are still working. But you lot'll take no sense of self anymore, no retentiveness, no ... anything. There'due south no chance at all of recovery. You'll but—exist. Equally an empty shell." (The Prisoner of Azkaban, folio 247)

"Y'all recall the dead we loved ever truly leave united states of america? You recall that nosotros don't recall them more clearly than always in times of great trouble?....You know, Harry, in a way, y'all did see your father final dark....You plant him inside yourself." (The Prisoner of Azkaban, page 427-428)

"Agreement is the first stride to acceptance, and only with acceptance tin in that location be recovery." (The Goblet of Fire, page 680)

"You identify as well much importance...on the so-chosen purity of blood! You neglect to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, only what they grow to be!" (The Goblet of Burn, folio 708)

SettingIn a fashion, Rowling follows the classic fantasy formula of first each book in the real world (the Dursleys' abode), moving into the fantasy world (Hogwarts School), so returning to the real globe (the Dursleys once again). What other fantasies follow this same pattern? Consider classics such as Peter Pan, The Indian in the Cupboard, and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Compare these with other works that take place entirely in a fantasy world, such as The Prydain Chronicles and The Hobbit. In some other way, though, the Harry Potter books are a mixture of these ii styles. The world of Hogwarts is not entirely separated from the everyday "muggle" earth, but is more a magical world-within-a-world, a world that exists in the real world, although ordinary people are unaware of it. Talk over how this affects your appreciation of the books.

Book 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, opens in Tom Riddle, Sr.'s parents' dwelling, unlike the previous three books which opened in the Dursley'south home. How does the change of setting for the beginning of this book affect the tone of the book? Why practise you call up Rowling departed from the expected setting for the beginning?

CharacterizationWe believe in Harry because of his human qualities, especially his human frailties. Find instances where Harry is acting more like a bungling muggle than a corking wizard. Why is information technology important for readers that Harry not always be a great wizard?

Rounded characters are characters who alter and grow. Find instances of change in Harry. For case, Harry becomes angriest when taunted about his parents' expiry; however, by book three, when he faces Peter, the person who led Voldemort to his parents, he stops Lupin and Black from killing Peter, saying, "I don't reckon my dad would've wanted them to become killers—simply for you" (Prisoner of Azkaban, page 376). In volume four, when Harry could have claimed the Triwizard cup, he instead offers to share it with Cedric. Find other instances of increasing maturity in Harry.

Find examples throughout all four books where Rowling helps u.s. understand characters by telling us what these characters believe. Consider statements such as the 1 Dumbledore makes at the terminate of The Goblet of Burn down when he says, "Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open." (p. 723) or Quirrell's comment to Harry in The Sorcerer'southward Stone when he explains "There is no expert and evil, there is simply ability, and those too weak to seek information technology." (p. 291).

In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Aunt Marge explains why some folks are no good: "If there's something rotten on the within, in that location's nada anyone can practice near it (page 25)." She thinks she'due south describing Harry. In fact, which characters is she more than aptly describing?

Consider the professors and other staff that Harry and his friends meet at Hogwarts, specially Dumbledore, McGonagall, Lockhart, Quirrell, Lupin, Snape, Moody, and Hagrid. Generally, each is much more, or sometimes much less, than the person he or she claims to be. Is it significant that Rowling fabricated each of these characters teachers? What lessons does each character really teach Harry?

If you were making a flow nautical chart of how the characters related to one another for both the Dark Lord and his forces, and Harry Potter and his forces, how would the characters line up? Is Voldemort opposite Dumbledore or Potter? If Barty Crouch, Jr., is Voldemort's nigh loyal follower, who is Harry's? Which characters from The Goblet of Burn do you recollect will go increasingly of import in the remaining books?


Harry and Voldemort provide the major conflict (skillful against evil) in each story. Compare their two characters and discuss how their differences provide the conflict for the novels. Consider each of the following instances:

  1. In The Magician's Stone, when Mr. Ollivander sells Harry a wand that was the brother of a wand endemic by Voldemort, Mr. Ollivander explains to Harry that "The wand chooses the magician" and so tells him, "I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter....After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did nifty things—terrible, yep, but great" (p. 85). How tin Ollivander call Voldemort a neat wizard? What makes Harry a different kind of great from Voldemort?

  2. In The Sleeping accommodation of Secrets, Dobby says he knew of Harry'south "greatness simply not of his goodness" (page fifteen). What is the difference between greatness and goodness? Could Harry exist the great sorcerer everyone thinks he is if he were not also filled with goodness? Later in the story, Tom Marvolo Riddle reveals himself to Harry as Voldemort. He tells Harry "There are strange likenesses between us, after all. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by muggles. Probably the just ii Parselmouths to come up to Hogwarts since the neat Slytherin himself" (page 317). What does Harry retrieve of these likenesses?

  3. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry has the opportunity to impale the character responsible for his parents' death, he chooses non to do it. How does that separate him once and for all from his archenemy, Voldemort?

  4. In The Goblet of Fire, when Harry faces well-nigh-certain death from Voldemort, he refuses to cower before him and refuses to answer his questions. At one bespeak, Voldemort tries to become Harry to bend to his will by answering a question. Instead of succumbing to the Imperio need, Harry'south volition takes over: "I will not, said a stronger vocalisation, in the dorsum of his caput, I won't respond...." (p. 661). Then when Voldemort moves to impale him, Harry decides that "he was not going to die kneeling at Voldemort's anxiety...he was going to die upright like his father, and he was going to die trying to defend himself even if no defense was possible..." (p. 662). Did Harry have this much will power and courage in the offset book? What meaning events helped him develop the backbone he now has?


  1. In The Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore admonishes Harry to "always use the proper proper name for things. Fearfulness of a proper noun increases fear of the thing itself" (folio 298). Explicate what he means. Why does naming something make information technology less intimidating?

  2. In The Sorcerer's Rock, Harry disregards a direct order from one of the teachers at Hogwarts School and takes off on a broom. This infraction is ordinarily crusade for expulsion from the school. Nonetheless, in Harry's case, it brings him the honor of beingness chosen as the "Seeker" for his Quidditch squad. Tin can you find other instances throughout all the books where Harry's actions atomic number 82 to quite contrary results from what is expected? Is Harry above the rules, or simply lucky, or is there another explanation?

  3. In The Wizard's Stone, readers learn that this stone is "a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transform whatsoever metal into pure gilt. It besides produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal." (p. 220). Are nosotros surprised to discover that this fountain of youth and source of keen wealth causes problems? Discuss other stories that have addressed the quest for immortality, such as Tuck Everlasting. Ultimately, this rock feeds the greedy. What other fantasies explore the consequences of greed?

  4. In The Sleeping accommodation of Secrets, we discover that Slytherin had wanted Hogwarts to exist a school simply for full bloods, with no mudbloods admitted. His prejudice against anyone dissimilar from himself creates all sorts of problems. How does this mental attitude compare with real prejudices people accept had throughout history, for instance confronting people of "mixed blood" regarded every bit inferior?

  5. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Lupin tells Harry that "James would have been highly disappointed if his son had never found whatsoever of the secret passages out of the castle" (pp. 424-425). Why would James want Harry to practise anything other than follow all the rules?

  6. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black is imprisoned for twelve years in Azkaban, and Pettigrew is imprisoned for the same amount of fourth dimension in the body of a rat. Which grapheme was more truly the prisoner?

  7. How does the game of Quidditch stand for Harry's life at Hogwarts? Consider the position he plays on the team—"seeker." How is that function similar to the part he plays in the fight against evil?

  8. Much of what makes The Harry Potter books delightful reads are the plays with language. Using a lexicon if necessary, find out what the following names mean, and discuss why they're good names for the characters they correspond.
    • Filch
    • Lucius Malfoy
    • Voldemort
    • Fluffy
    • Madam Pince
    • Remus Lupin
    • Slytherin
    • Dobby
    • Sirius Black
    • Scabbers
    • Professor Binns (call back of the sound, not the spelling)
    • The books required for first year students (The Sorcerer's Stone, pages 66-67)
    • Dumbledore
    • Hagrid
    • Aurors

  9. In each Harry Potter book readers tin find comparisons to traditional fairy tales, myths, or legends. For example, the domestic dog Fluffy which guards the trapdoor at Hogwarts School resembles Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guards the underworld of Greek mythology. Harry could exist compared to Male monarch Arthur—both are orphaned boys who are raised by foster parents, and each is unaware of his true background but slowly begins to sympathise information technology. In The Goblet of Burn, Harry must complete three tasks. What other mythological characters face difficult tasks? Consider other characters—for example Hermione, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Narcissa (Goblet of Fire, page 101), Mr. Malfoy, the Veela (Goblet of Burn, page 103), Voldemort—and hash out their human relationship to other mythical or legendary characters.

  10. In The Goblet of Fire, Hogwarts students discover that 437 items have been banned from the school that year (page 183). Those items include "Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Bommerangs." How is that list similar to objects that are from time to fourth dimension banned in schools? Consider items such as yo-yos, Pok-e-mon cards, and skateboards. Speculate on why Rowling would include such a annotate almost banned items in this book.

  11. Would Harry have succeeded at the tasks he faced in The Goblet of Fire without outside aid? If not, what does this reveal about Harry'southward greatest force?

  12. In The Goblet of Fire, mask-wearing wizards torment the muggles: "A crowd of wizards, tightly packed and moving together with wands pointing straight upward, was marching slowly across the field. Harry squinted at them....They didn't seem to take faces....Then he realized that their heads were hooded and their faces masked" (page 119). Compare this moment of torment to other times when groups of people have worn hoods and masks to cover their identities. What does the masking of a confront tell us about the nature of evil?

  13. An important message throughout all the Potter books has to practice with respect for differences and those who are different. By volume four, we see that, for some, a degree system is well-established: Wizards and witches are better than muggles and mudbloods; giants are outcasts; and house-elves are considered as sub-homo. How practice you suppose this degree system volition play itself out in the remaining books? Side by side, consider Dumbledore's admonition that "Differences of addiction and language are nix at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open" (folio 723). Which characters would agree with him?

  14. In The Goblet of Fire, we learn that when Voldemort killed Harry's parents, Harry survived the attack due to his female parent'southward loving cede. Voldemort explains that "His mother died in the attempt to salvage him—and unwittingly provided him with a protection I admit I had non foreseen....I could not bear upon the male child" (p. 652). As a result of surviving that attack Harry is labeled a great sorcerer, but has Harry truly earned that title? To what extent would yous say that Harry is non and then much "dandy" as lucky? In all that Harry does, how much is he acting of his own free will, and how much is he simply living out what from his nascency has been his destiny?

  15. Although it may seem that Harry is pre-ordained to be a great wizard (see previous question), clearly he too acts of his own costless will and at times makes difficult choices. Locate the times when Harry fabricated disquisitional choices and, in each case, discuss what would take happened if Harry had made different choices.

  16. Hither'southward a partial dictionary of charms that Harry and his friends used. Explain why each is a good name for the charm:
    1. Wingardium Leviosa: Charm to brand things bladder. Wizard's Stone, folio 171.
    2. Locomotor Mortis: Leg-locking curse. Magician'south Rock, page 222.
    3. Expelliarmus. Disarming amuse. Sleeping room of Secrets, page 190.
    4. Finite Incantatem. Stopping charm.. Chamber of Secrets, folio 192.
    5. Rictusempra. Tickling charm. Chamber of Secrets, page 192.
    6. Tarantallegra. Leg jerking, quickstepping charm. Sleeping room of Secrets, page 192.
    7. Serpensortia. Blocks unfriendly spells. Chamber of Secrets, page 194.
    8. Riddikulus. Turns boggarts into humorous-looking creatures. Prisoner of Azkaban, pages 134-v.
    9. Fidelius Charm. Magical concealment of a clandestine inside a chosen person. Prisoner of Azkaban, page 205.
    10. Patronus Amuse. Guardian against dementors. Prisoner of Azkaban, page 237.
    11. Accio: Calls things to yous. Goblet of Burn down, page 68.
    12. Obliviate: Retentivity-modifying spell. Goblet of Burn down, page 77.
    13. Ennervate: Awakening spell. Goblet of Burn, page 133.
    14. Prior Incantato: Conjurs upwardly previous spells. Goblet of Fire, folio 136.
    15. Deletrius: Causes an image to vanish. Goblet of Burn down, page 136.
    16. Reparo: Repairs things. Goblet of Fire, page 169.
    17. Imperius Curse: Gives full control. Goblet of Fire, folio 213.
    18. Cruciatus Curse: Causes intense pain. Goblet of Burn, folio 214.
    19. Avada Kedavra: The killing expletive. Goblet of Burn down, page 215.
    20. Impediment curse: Slows something. Goblet of Burn down, page 574

  17. Consider Harry and Voldemort and rate each on the following continuum. Which qualities most divide these two characters? Compare Harry to Dumbledore. If you rate them at similar points, hash out what makes Harry the hero instead of Dumbledore? Do the aforementioned with Harry and Hermione and Harry and Cedric.

  18. Millions of readers of all ages bask the Harry Potter books. That ways J. M. Rowling must be writing in a mode that appeals to lots of people—from children to adults. What do yous relish most virtually her writing? Consider the post-obit elements as you discuss your reply:
    • Gripping plots
    • Brilliant characters
    • Cliff-hangers for chapter endings
    • Descriptive language such as similes and metaphors
    • Puns and funny names for people and spells
    • Of import themes such equally making friends, facing difficult issues, losing people you dear, and surviving tough situations.

  19. By the fourth book, Rowling has answered some important questions, including why Harry returns each summer to the Dursleys, as explained when Voldemort says "Dumbledore invoked an ancient magic, to ensure the boy'southward protection as long as he is in his relations' care. Non even I tin touch him there" (page 657). What other questions are answered in The Goblet of Fire? What questions do you nonetheless wonder virtually?

  20. The Goblet of Burn, the halfway volume in the series, leaves readers anticipating the conflict that will surely erupt between the Dark Lord and his forces and those who would oppose him. At the stop of the volume, Dumbledore begins to rally those who would fight against Voldemort, telling the students at Hogwarts to "Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you take to make a selection between what is correct and what is easy..." (page 724). With that statement, Dumbledore appears to exist saying that what is right and what is easy are not the aforementioned. Do you agree with this? Call up of examples from your own life where making the correct choice was difficult.

  21. The terminal affiliate of volume four is titled "The Kickoff." Why would the last chapter carry this title? What is start? What has ended? The last line of this book is "As Hagrid had said, what would come, would come...and he would have to meet it when it did" (page 734). What do y'all anticipate Harry and his friends will have to run across next?

Folio numbers refer to the hardback edition

Unless otherwise stated, this give-and-take guide is reprinted with the permission of Scholastic. Any page references refer to a USA edition of the book, ordinarily the trade paperback version, and may vary in other editions.
