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When Will March 26 Fall on Easter Again

Table of dates of Easter 2001–2025 (in Gregorian dates) [ane]
Yr Full Moon Jewish Passover [note ane] Astronomical Easter [note two] Gregorian Easter Julian Easter
2001 April 8 April 15
2002 March 28 March 31 May 5
2003 April 16 April 17 April 20 April 27
2004 April 5 April 6 April 11
2005 March 25 April 24 March 27 May 1
2006 April thirteen Apr xvi April 23
2007 April 2 Apr iii Apr eight
2008 March 21 April xx March 23 April 27
2009 April 9 Apr 12 Apr nineteen
2010 March 30 April 4
2011 Apr eighteen April nineteen April 24
2012 April 6 April 7 Apr 8 Apr 15
2013 March 27 March 26 March 31 May 5
2014 April fifteen Apr 20
2015 Apr four Apr 5 April 12
2016 March 23 Apr 23 March 27 May i
2017 Apr 11 April 16
2018 March 31 April 1 April viii
2019 March 20 April 20 March 24 April 21 April 28
2020 April 8 Apr 9 Apr 12 Apr 19
2021 March 28 April iv May ii
2022 April 16 April 17 April 24
2023 Apr half-dozen April 9 Apr 16
2024 March 25 April 23 March 31 May 5
2025 Apr xiii Apr 20
  1. ^ Jewish Passover is on Nisan 15 of its agenda. It commences at sunset preceding the date indicated (as does Easter in many traditions).
  2. ^ Astronomical Easter is the beginning Sun after the astronomical full moon after the astronomical March equinox as measured at the acme of Jerusalem according to this WCC proposal.

This is a list of dates for Easter. The Easter dates also affect when Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Skilful Friday, Holy Sat, Banquet of the Rise and Pentecost occur, consequently determining the liturgical year except the calendar of saints, feasts of the Annunciation and the nativities of St. John, the Baptist and Jesus. Easter may occur on different dates in the Gregorian Calendar (Western) and the Julian Calendar (Orthodox or Eastern). The accompanying tabular array provides both sets of dates, for recent and forthcoming years — run across the computus commodity for more details on the calculation.

Primeval Easter [edit]

Western (Gregorian) [edit]

In 1818 the Paschal Full Moon fell on Saturday, March 21 (the equinox). Therefore, the following solar day, March 22 and the 81st solar day of the year, was Easter. Information technology will not fall as early on again until 2285, a span of 467 years. The side by side earliest Easter, March 23, in that timespan occurred in common years 1845 and 1913, where it is the 82nd day of the year, and in leap years 1856 and 2008, where it is the 83rd twenty-four hours of the year. Easter will next occur on March 23 in 2160. These are gaps of 11, 57, 95 and 152 years. Easter last occurred on March 24 in 1940, which was a leap twelvemonth, and will not occur on that day again until common year 2391, a 451-yr gap.

The primeval week by international standard reckoning is W12, and the 12th Sunday of the year is also the earliest possible Easter Sunday.

Orthodox (Julian) [edit]

The earliest dates for Easter in the Eastern Orthodox Church building between 1875 and 2099 are Apr 4, 1915 and April 4, 2010 (Gregorian). Both dates are equivalent to 22 March in the Julian Calendar.

Latest Easter [edit]

Western (Gregorian) [edit]

In 1943 Easter fell on Sunday, Apr 25, the 115th twenty-four hours of the year. The concluding ecclesiastical full moon preceding the Paschal did not occur until Sabbatum, March 20; prior to March 21, the fixed engagement to which the vernal equinox is assigned for the purposes of the computus, meaning the Paschal full moon did not happen until Sunday, April eighteen. Consequently, Easter was the following Dominicus (April 25). Easter volition side by side occur equally late once more in 2038—a span of 95 years. Easter may also occur on April 25 of a bound year, i.e. the 116th day of the twelvemonth, but this has never occurred since the Gregorian reforms were implemented. The first time Easter will occur on April 25 in a leap twelvemonth volition be in 3784. This is also the only instance where Easter is in ISO week W17, otherwise all occurences after April 18 and on this day in leap years are in W16. In several cases, Easter falls onto the latest possible, 17th Dominicus of the yr.

The second latest date for Easter, Apr 24 or day 114, occurred in 2011. The last time this occurred before was in 1859 and information technology will not happen again until 2095—spans of 152 and 84 years. Easter besides ocured on the 114th day of the year on April 23 in 2000, a spring year.

Orthodox (Julian) [edit]

The latest dates for Orthodox Easter between 1875 and 2099 are May viii, 1983, and May 8, 2078 (Gregorian). Both dates are equivalent to April 25 in the Julian Calendar. Orthodox Easter has never fallen on Gregorian May vii however; it volition happen in 2051 unless these churches modify to another agenda.

Outset March 14, 2100 (February 29, 2100, in the Julian Calendar), the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars will increment to 14 days.

Western and Orthodox Easter on the same date [edit]

Despite using calendars that are apart past xiii days, Western Easter and Orthodox Easter occasionally autumn on the same date, as happened in 2010, 2011, 2014, and 2017. For example, according to the Western (Gregorian) calendar, the first Paschal Full Moon after the Leap Equinox (March 21) fell on Mon, April xiv, 2014. The following Sunday, April 20, was, therefore, Easter Day.

According to the Orthodox (Julian) agenda (which is 13 days behind the Gregorian agenda), the Leap Equinox likewise falls on March 21. However, in the Gregorian Calendar, this is April three. The kickoff Orthodox Full Moon later on the Equinox falls on (Julian) Tuesday, April 2, 2014 (Gregorian Apr xv). The following Lord's day, (Julian) Apr 7, is, therefore, Easter Twenty-four hour period (Gregorian April xx).

Range of dates for Western and Orthodox Easter [edit]

Both calendars (Gregorian and Julian) summate Easter as falling on dates betwixt March 22 and April 25 on their calendars. However, because of the 13-day divergence, any member of an Orthodox church building would observe that the Western Easter falls betwixt March 10 and April 12 on the Julian calendar. Conversely, any member of a Western church would detect that Orthodox Easter falls between April four and May viii on the Gregorian calendar.

Week of Easter [edit]

Sundays on the dates March 22 through Apr 25 in the Gregorian calendar may exist the 81st through 116th day of the year. They occur every bit the last day of ISO week number W12 through W17 and are also the 12th through 17th Dominicus of the year, but these numbers mismatch in some years. They are the fourth or 5th Sunday in March or the outset through fourth Sun in April.

Weeks and ordinal Sundays of the 35 variant Gregorian Easter dates
Variant Easter Sunday Solar day of the year ISO week nth Sunday
ane March 22 081 082 12
2 March 23 082 083 12
3 March 24 083 084 12
4 March 25 084 085 12 12 xiii
5 March 26 085 086 12 13
6 March 27 086 087 12 13
7 March 28 087 088 12 13 13
viii March 29 088 089 xiii
9 March 30 089 090 13
x March 31 090 091 thirteen
xi April ane 091 092 13 13 fourteen
12 Apr 2 092 093 thirteen xiv
13 Apr 3 093 094 13 14
14 April 4 094 095 13 14 xiv
fifteen April v 095 096 14
16 April half dozen 096 097 14
17 Apr 7 097 098 14
eighteen April 8 098 099 14 xiv 15
nineteen April ix 099 100 fourteen xv
20 April 10 100 101 fourteen xv
21 April eleven 101 102 xiv fifteen fifteen
22 April 12 102 103 xv
23 April 13 103 104 15
24 April xiv 104 105 fifteen
25 April 15 105 106 fifteen 15 16
26 April 16 106 107 15 xvi
27 April 17 107 108 xv xvi
28 April eighteen 108 109 fifteen xvi 16
29 April 19 109 110 16
30 April 20 110 111 16
31 April 21 111 112 xvi
32 Apr 22 112 113 16 16 17
33 Apr 23 113 114 sixteen 17
34 April 24 114 115 16 17
35 April 25 115 116 16 17 17

Public holidays [edit]

In Canada, Hungary, Kenya, the United Kingdom (except Scotland), Hong Kong, Commonwealth of australia, South Africa, Slovakia, Deutschland, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland and New Zealand, Easter has two public holidays, Good Friday and Easter Mon, making a four-day weekend. The movable date of Easter sometimes brings it into disharmonize with other, stock-still or moveable, public holidays.

  • In the United kingdom in 2000 and 2011, the May Twenty-four hour period bank vacation was i week after Easter Monday, causing there to be 3 consecutive weeks with a bank vacation. (In Scotland this did not occur equally Easter Monday is not a depository financial institution holiday.) In 2011, a bank holiday was declared on Friday 29 Apr for the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton;[2] consequently there were four bank holidays within 3 consecutive calendar weeks (including two in one week), creating two consecutive iv-day weekends (Friday 22 – Monday 25 April and Friday 29 April – Monday 2 May), with a three-solar day working week in betwixt (Tuesday 26 – Thursday 28 April).
  • In Northern Ireland and the Republic of Republic of ireland in 2008, Saint Patrick'southward Day (Mon 17 March) brutal six days before Easter (Dominicus 23 March), creating a iii-day calendar week (Tuesday eighteen – Th twenty March). This will next happen in 2035, when Saint Patrick's Day falls on Saturday, and then the public holiday is moved forward to the following Monday 19 March, once again six days before Easter.
    • In the Catholic liturgical calendar, saints' feasts are not observed when they fall during Holy Calendar week; this acquired Saint Patrick non to announced in the liturgical agenda for 2008; 17 March was only celebrated as Holy Mon. In Republic of ireland, the Church chose to celebrate Saint Patrick on Saturday 15 March instead.[iii]
  • In Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand, ANZAC Day is a public holiday on 25 April. In 2000 and 2011, this created a five-twenty-four hour period weekend over Easter: in 2000, Easter Monday barbarous on 24 Apr, with the post-obit Tuesday, 25 Apr, then beingness ANZAC Twenty-four hour period; in 2011, ANZAC Twenty-four hours and Easter Monday coincided on Monday 25 April, which led to a substitute public holiday beingness declared in Australia for Tuesday 26 April,[4] and likely contributed to New Zealand's introduction of Mondayising legislation in 2013. In 2003 and 2014, ANZAC 24-hour interval fell on the Friday after Easter, and in 2019 it fell on the Thursday after Easter, and in 2038 it will fall on Easter Sunday; the upshot is three-twenty-four hour period working weeks immediately following the Easter weekend.
  • In Hong Kong in 2021, Easter Sunday (4 April) coincided with the Ching Ming (Qingming) Festival, leading to public holidays on Mon 5 April (the day later on Ching Ming) and Tuesday 6 April (the twenty-four hour period later on Easter Monday), and a v-day weekend (Friday 2 – Tuesday 6 Apr).[5]
  • Easter is non a federal holiday in the United States. In Northward Carolina, however, it was a public vacation from 1935 to 1987.[6]
  • In Norway Easter is historic with public holidays on the Th and Good Friday before, and Easter Mon, but schools and businesses traditionally take a half-solar day on the Wednesday as well. The same goes for Kingdom of denmark.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Towards a Common Date for Easter". Aleppo, Syria: World Council of Churches (WCC) / Heart East Quango of Churches Consultation (MECC). 10 March 1997.
  2. ^ "Majestic Wedding Depository financial institution Holiday in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland".
  3. ^ "Irish gaelic bishops move St. Patrick'south Day 2008 over conflict with Holy Week". Cosmic News Bureau. July 19, 2007. Retrieved April 1, 2018.
  4. ^ "National Holidays in Australia in 2021". Office Holidays . Retrieved 2021-05-31 .
  5. ^ GovHK (world wide "GovHK: General holidays for 2021". world wide . Retrieved 2021-05-31 .
  6. ^ "Easter Monday in the United States". Retrieved October 25, 2016.

External links [edit]

  • List of Easter Lord's day Dates (1700–2299) by Astronomical Guild of Southward Australia
  • A chronology since Council Nicaea "Appointment of Easter Lord's day" Begetter Kevin Michael Laughery, as observed by Western Christians since A.D. 326 (terminal updated Monday, February 28, 2022; this site now only covers 1818–2105)
  • Interactive reckoner generates historical feast dates in Julian calendar prior to 1582 Gregorian reforms
  • Side-by-side Easter reference, Orthodox and Catholic dates in the Gregorian and Julian calendars tabular data, full centuries.
